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Meet Amy

Upcoming classes!!

Great news!  I’m offering a few classes in the month of Janurary to start out the new year on the right foot.  These are fun, group classes where you can learn and meet new friends.  Only $20 and you can bring a friend for free! Contact me for dates and times.

Tuning Forks

What are they, what do they do and how do they work? Tuning Forks are another form of traditional, vibrational healing using sound waves. Different frequencies of this well understood mechanical energy affect your ears, bones, cells, organs and tissues. You will learn how to use them to relieve your body of pain and headaches plus stress while increasing focus and grounding. Learn how to address and minimize past trauma and promote overall balance and clearing of your bodies’ energy pathways. You will also learn other modalities and methods of how to use tuning forks for healing. I will demonstrate them on you and you will get to experiment with them on yourself. There will be forks available for purchase along with an instructional worksheet & picture diagram of how to use them.

Animal and Human Healing and Understanding

Have you ever wondered what your pet was trying to tell you? Often times when your pet suffers from physical or behavioral issues you will find that their owner or household may also be suffering from very similar or emotional stress. The opposite is also true as you and your pet may be compensating one another in some way. In this class you will learn how to become aware of what your pet is trying to tell you. Your pet is sensitive to you and how you live your life. Let your pet help you and your family achievebalance. Become connected with each other and your environment. Please bring pictures of your pets and issues you want to talk about.

Eat Well – Be Well SIMPLIFIED!

I’ve posted the very popular eating rules for the very best nutrition.  These are 11 steps – in order of importance.  Find them under my nutrition menu, or just click here

Video Conferencing Service


As some of you know, I’m testing out a professional video conference software package and service.

I realize many of you live far away from my office, and to try to better serve you I’d like to offer the ability to visit me via video.

There currently is no fee for this service apart from my regular rate. Help me test this out to determine if this is beneficial to you.

All that is required on your end is a high speed internet connection, also called broadband (cable, or dsl), a webcamera, speakers, and the requirement to load a program on your computer.

This is not Skype, but rather a high-end business video conferencing program.

The benefits to you are greater flexibility for scheduling appointments (on the road, emergency consultations, including other family members), and obviously, no need to drive to my office.

Let me know if you are interested in trying this out!


New Site

Hello Everyone,

I am building my new site and am very excited about it!  I am learning this on my own proving that we can all expand our own comfort zone. I feel like an old dog learning a new trick and while it is uncomfortable at times I know how proud I will be when it is finished!

So welcome to the new Hypnoessence website. There will be many exciting and new features that will allow me to better serve you. For example, I will be able to have a calendar of my upcoming classes and allow you to sign up on line.  Soon there will be pictures and videos and more!

The site will be fully functional soon. If you need anything please contact me!
